Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Worthy, not worthless, Words.

I’m not much of a talker,
but to speak, has been a long held desire for me. A long, long, time ago (but
not in a galaxy far far away) I even wrote a collection of poems titled ‘Speak’.
Writing interests me, but so many times I’ve tried and given up. I’m trying
again. Maybe there comes the time when the ‘groan’ Romans 8v22-23 http://niv.scripturetext.com/romans/8-22.htm is not enough and my soul has to find some fleshly
manifestation of what I ‘hope’ Kingdom looks like. Because Kingdom does look
like something! When Heaven is earthed something is birthed. I desire to reveal the knowledge of sonship that I’ve received,
to every nation, tribe, language, people and person. The word became flesh and
dwelt among us. I thank ‘you’ for listening to my pen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMWmYy26eXU

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 VANCE GILLGREN. Vanceandanne@gmail.com 02102404696. 447366338101 Born in Gisborne, I emigrated to UK with my wife and children for a period...