Friday, 6 May 2022

Agriculture is the most destructive human activity on the planet. ???

Vance Gillgren thought you might like this.
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  • Vance Gillgren
    Hmmm not really. I think it's a bit of an over reaction and false to pick on one aspect of a complex interrelated problem.. The Green Revolution ( Norman Borlaug) was REALLY fantastic and there's not as much starvation on the planet these days as there has been historically. The problem is that commerce has hijacked agriculture.(Yep I blame THE MAN) yet there's no way back to The Garden, but we have to learn how to incorporate it into The City. We are all learning, and overall I feel that the trajectory is positive. The planet doesn't need saving, Humanity does!
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    • 3d
    • Thomas Manthey
      Vance Gillgren what makes you so sure we can’t manifest regenerative subsistence farming Cultures to hole up in as we go through the climate storms that are bearing down on us?
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      • 3h
    • Vance Gillgren
      Thomas Manthey can't be sure about anything, but have worked in numerous aspects of the industry for the last 45 years. I have a passion for ecologically sound regenerative agriculture/horticulture and are currently managing a woodland restoration project, and grow a lot of our own food, so are actively trying to 'manifest'. Holing up is not an option, ask any indigenous subsistence farming culture in the Third World and on the planet. There's no way not to be disaffected by humanity's project. I think they are glad to be out of the cycles of famine and starvation that technology has helped alleviate and are eager for the benefits, security and comfort of the affluent West whilst retaining their identity and culture, as am I. The dominant Human system of doing life is in need of systemic change, and I am seeing changes. Re agriculture -The concerns bought up in Rachel Carsons 'Silent Spring ' are largely being, thought about and starting to be dealt with, yet there is still a long way to go. We walked out of Africa and now most of us live in City's- freakin amazing! yet so much needs fixing! The Genies out of the bottle and we need to "Keep on walking, don't look back" I believe we will end up living in integrity.
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      • 2h
    • Thomas Manthey
      Vance Gillgren Square one still calls for the hundreds of millions of homeless orphans, widows, and children to be ensconced in regenerative Subsistence Farming communities…some 12k children under the age of five are starving to death everyday…a storm shelter and a garden is the quickest way we have to end it🤗
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      • 1h
    • Vance Gillgren
      Thomas Manthey Agree, that would/might help if managed properly. Land reform is probably one of the more pressing needs in my opinion, but a guaranteed minimum income would be more effective to fulfil Maslovs hierarchy of needs in the current situation. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1v27

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 VANCE GILLGREN. 02102404696. 447366338101 Born in Gisborne, I emigrated to UK with my wife and children for a period...